Tuesday, April 21, 2020

2020 With COVID-19


Yea, I'm back, feeling like to do some writing tonight. Maybe it will be a quick one. Many things happen for these few month but we don't even reach the quarter year yet! The major things that happen not only in Malaysia but almost affected the whole world, COVID-19. It was not an easy thing. It was very tough. Because of that, most country need to be under lockdown, social distancing have become priority, people need to keep themselves clean and sanitise all the time. Big gathering is no longer allowed, people need to stay at home and only one person are allowed to go out at one time. 

Positive cases keep on increasing and there will be deaths cases everyday as well. Flights is no longer available, people can't go out even to shopping mall or to have a dine in at any restaurant. 

At some point, I feel devastated. But no, I know it was not the end yet. I can fight this, we can fight this and the world can fight this, if we are all together to fight.

2020 won't be the same that we expect it to be. It was a nice number, but the starts have hurt some of us. Some people lost their loved ones, some people need to sacrifice their life, some people are losing hope. If this have come to an end, I just can't imagine how can we live our life after this. 

p/s : Until then, please keep yourself and your loved ones safe.